My husband and I knew we wanted a female dog, and knew we wanted to adopt a rescue. I really wanted a Golden Retriever, and the staff said they were rare and to check in every so many days after new puppies and dogs were admitted. We spent several weeks traveling to HSHV every so many days looking for the right fit. On the day we found then Dori, we were looking at a Golden Retriever/Husky/yellow Lab mix. However, when we visited with her, she wouldn’t play or come near my husband. We knew this wasn’t going to be a good fit, so we visited with Dori, a Pit Bull/terrier mix. I was hesitant due to my then misconception regarding Pit Bull dogs.

She was so cute and so playful that my husband and I went to the front counter to start the adoption process. We brought her home that day at 3 months and 15 pounds. We named her Ru after RuPaul. It’s been almost 5 years and 75 pounds later and she’s still just as cute and playful. Thank you HSHV for all you do.

Dori now Ru